- July 2024, PNW Climate Week, Seattle, Fracational Sustainablity work adding value driving change
- July 2024, PNW Climate week, Seattle, Nudging Sustianability- real world examples of change
- .July 2024, Life Cycle Innovation Conference, Berlin ,Carbon Neutral a technological approach
- August 2023, ISPE ESG Panel discussion
- October 2022, Renewable Thermal Collaborative, Renewable Natural Gas and Decarbonization
- May 2022, Department of Energy Conference, Decarbonization of Industry
- June 2021, ISPE Sustainability Session on Zero Carbon
- June 2021, US SS&M Symposium Sustainability at AstraZeneca
- December 2020, AEE World Conference Presentations on achieving Zero Carbon and Zero Waste
- November 2020, AEE Climate Change Launch Press Conference panelist on Sustainable Development
- October 2020, AEE NC Presentation A pathway to Zero Carbon
- September 2020, Presented to GWU A Pathway to Zero Carbon
- November 2019, Keynote Speaker Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan. The possibilities of Resilience in a climate-changing world.
- September 2019, Keynote Speaker World AEE Conference. Topic Engineering solutions to Climate Change.
- September 2019, Panelist at The Zero Hour: Countdown D.C. Net Zero Energy Event hosted by DC Regulations Affairs.
- July 2019, US DOE Better Plants Conference, Zero Waste Round Table.
- April 2019, Global AzstraZeneca, TED Style Zero Injury Talk.
- March 2019, Pharmaceutical Maintenance and Operations Network, A Zero Waste Future.
- October 2018, World Energy Engineering Congress, Partnership is the new Leadership.
- October 2018, Clean Energy Maryland. Resilience in Bio-Tech.
- September 2018, Construction Owners Association of America. Presentation on Biotech resilience and efficiency in practice.
- September 2018, Association of Energy Engineers. Keynote talk on Resilience in the built environment.
- July 2018, Clean Cities Coalition Electric Vehicle Workshop. How EV reduces GHG and creates a better place to work.
- April 2018, Resilience in BioTech. Reducing costs, increasing productivity, and preparing for tomorrow.
- April 2018, USGBC NCR @ MedImmune Gaithersburg MD. ZeroWaste and energy efficiency in BioTech.
- March 2018, TEDx RoadTown, It’s a Time to RISE!
- March 2018, Pharmaceutical Maintenance and Operations Network, Sustainability moving to Zero Energy and Waste.
- December 2017, Panelist for Industry Drive, Win more business with Green Buildings!
- December 2017, Houston Skyline Rotary, How Houston can build in resiliency and sustainability after Harvey.
- November 2017, Center for Social Innovation NYC, Building a Smart Future.
- October 2017, Integrated Design at Gensler Houston
- August 2017, USGBC Higher Performing Schools Event
- August 2017, Speical showing of “An Inconvenient Truth Sequel” Panelist
- July 2017, Integrated Design Training with Texas USGBC
- July 2017, Houston Chamber, How to save up to $1,000 at your home
- May 2017, Texas State Capitol House of Representatives – Green Caucus 2017
- April 2017, Brewing up Business Houston Chamber Event: Sustainability and energy efficiency
- April 2017, National Conference: Engineers for a Sustainable World: Passive Design, and Energy Efficiency
- March 2017, Prince Goerges County Planning Commission, Planning for and Operating Efficient Schools
- March 2017, Collaborative High Performing Schools TX, Pre-Fab What it offers and Why it’s important
- May 2016, Society for International Development Annual Conference, Are We Ready for Tomorrow? A Conversation About Sustainable Development
- May 2016, TEDx Herdon, A Zero Energy, Water, and Waste Future
- May 2016, Ellington School for the Performing Arts, Guest Lecture on 21 Century schools and what goes into their new building
- May 2016, Climate Action 2016 Forum University of Maryland, Enabling a More Resilient Future through Data-driven Investments
- April 2016, Quin Evans Architects, How to use the school as a teaching tool
- April 2016, California Association of School Business Officials, round table business discussion on operations and efficiency of 21st-century schools
- April 2016, National Green Schools Conference, 21st-century schools bringing it home, A case study on Powell Elementary school
- February 2016, Pro Green Expo, Denver Colorado, stormwater innovative and optimizing 21st-century schools
- February 2016, Expert sustainability witness for the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs: Public Hearing on B21-462, the “Minimum Wage, Living Wage, and Millennial Tiny Housing Amendment Act of 2015”
- January 2016, National Institute of Building Sciences Conference – Plenary Session featuring Dunbar High School
- December 2015, Green Festival Portland OR- Benchmarking as a tool to incorporate sustainability into school, business, and government projects
- November 2015, CMAA – Mckissack Presentation on Sustainability as part of the Construction Manager duties
- November 2015, Greenbuild Conference DC Tours
- November 2015, Greenbuild Conference Research Summit, sustainable tour, and optimization of Dunbar High School
- November 2015, Green Festival San Francisco, Benchmarking as a tool to incorporate sustainability into school, business, and government projects
- November 2015, ACE mentoring programming the future of sustainability
- November 2015, CMAA Breakfast Series, Sustainable Schools
- October 2015, US China Energy Efficiency Forum Dunbar High School Tour
- October 2015, UNESCO Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems Dubrovnik, Croatia. – Sustainability; Key to market recovery and future economic growth
- September 2015, Green Festival LA- Benchmarking as a tool to incorporate sustainability into school, business, and government projects
- September 2015, Energy and Sustainability Policy Lecture, Carnegie Mellon University
- September 2015, Corporate Sustainability Presentation on Best Practices and Value, to a leading program management organization, Washington DC
- August 2015, Benchmarking Existing Schools for Better Performance, New England Educational Planners (NEEP), Boston MA
- July 2015, 18th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO + Forum, a sustainable policy discussion
- June 2015, Green Festival Washington DC – Benchmarking as a tool to incorporate sustainability into school, business, and government projects
- May 2015, CMAA -Jacobs Presentation, Sustainability as part of the Construction Manager duties
- April 2015, Benchmarking Existing Schools for Health and Performance, Webinar for Healthy Schools Week
- October 2014, Greenbuild Conference, New Orleans, Turning 20th Century Schools into 21st Century Learning Environments
- October 2014, Council of Educational Facility Planners International Annual World Conference, Portland Oregon, Benchmark, assesses and improves your existing school; Case Study with DCPS
- March 2014, Green Schools National Conference Sacramento CA, Benchmarking Existing Schools: Using the Before You’ve Got to Get the After You Want: 20 min presentation with 15 min question and answer
- May 2013, Department of General Services, Presented integration of CHPS and LEED practices to Phased modernization in DC public schools
- March 2013, US Delegate to Algeria, Presentation to the Algerian Housing Authority on Green Building technologies and renewable energy implementation, 30 min presentation with 15 min question and answer
- August 2011, South American Delegation, The United States Department of State, on energy efficiency and sustainable policy implementation
- December 2008, Panelist @ CEO Entrepreneurship Conference on sustainability and business, “Making Green Being Green.”, 20 min presentation with 40 min combined questions and answer
- 2022- 2024, Montgomery County Government – Building Performance Improvement Board Member, in the role of ‘Energy Efficiency, Building Resilience and/or Renewable Energy Services or Consulting Provider’
- 2020-2023, Adjunct Professor University of Houston – Net Zero Energy
- 2019-2023, Board of Directors for the Association of Energy Engineers.
- 2019-2022, DMV-Net-Zero Energy Coalition Leadership Committee.
- 2019-2021, Montgomery County Maryland Climate Planning – Buildings Technical Workgroup.
- 2018, USVI Resiliency Task Force, rebuilding after Irma.
- 2018, USVI Energy Roundtable.
- 2018, Mongomery County MD, Commercial/Multifamily Green Building Incentive Work Group Subcommittee.
- 2017, Research Fellow at Rice University Center for Energy and Environmental Research in Human Sciences (CENHS). My focus is on Resilience Sustainability Innovation and Efficiency. It’s a time to RISE!
- 2017, Steering Committee for Houston’s Peoples March for the Climate
- 2017, Engineers for a sustainable world: volunteer and mentor
- 2017, CHPS steering committee member for New Best Practices
- 2015-2019, Our Energy Policy Contributing Author
- 2015-2019, Society of International Development
- 2016, Participant Georgetown University “Road to Quito” series from Paris COP21 to Habitat III
- Summer 2016, Planning committee for Cities Alive
- Spring 2016, Mentor to the Senior Engineering Class at McKinley Tech High School, Washington DC on 5 students -2 teams designing passive houses.
- December 2015, BOLD Award Nominee: Category Mentor
- Fall 2015, Greenbuild Greening Committee
- Fall 2014, Bike rides for climate, Organizer
- April 2014, Renew & Sustain – Costa Rica
- February 2016 screened at Dam Shot Film Festival
- October 2015 screened at Banff Mountian Film Festival
- December 2014 screened at the Best Shorts Film Competition. Award of Merit Special Mention: Nature/Environment/Wildlife